Our Christmas tree
The holiday season is in full swing around here these days.
Our family has already celebrated American Thanksgiving, Canadian Thanksgiving
and Thanksimas, a blend of Thanksgiving and Christmas that we’ve been
celebrating with two other families here. We also recently attended our
school’s annual Winterfest, with Royce performing in two of the three concerts
that day, playing violin and singing a variety of English and German Christmas
carols. Despite all that, we all know the season doesn’t really start until we
get our tree.
We’ve had a bit of learning curve on the tree. In Hong Kong,
we very easily ordered a tree from a local nursery. It was brought into out
apartment and taken out of our apartment. The only effort was to make sure we
were home during the scheduled delivery period. Once in the states and in
Germany, we decided, for reasons that are no longer clear, to cut down our own
tree. All three kids picked different trees for different reasons and
compromise was hard to come by. We probably could have gotten through this if
it weren’t for the bitter cold. Last year’s tree debate, outside in Germany’s
brisk winter weather, was our last.
This year we walked to a Christmas tree lot on the other
side of the river that runs behind our house. Truth be told, the walk through
the farmer’s recently plowed under fields, over the icy Wurm River and up the
small hill to the centuries old cemetery was just as lovely as a walk in the
woods. We selected a tree. There was
debate of course but knowing we were minutes from home helped the adults get
through it. The tree was shoved through a device that bundles the tree into a
tight netted shape. Everyone was intrigued by this machine and opinions about
the tree were forgotten. We hoisted the tree up and walked it home. The whole
transaction was so easy that we even bought a wreath. The tree is not up yet
but it is just outside our kitchen windows. We all check on it daily and
somehow it’s very proximity is enough to get us in the spirit. It’s hard to
imagine the excitement once it is actually in the house and decorated.
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